Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Baudin’s artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Baudin’s artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
Commanders Baudin and Hamelin share a farewell supper at King Island waiting for winds to carry Naturaliste home to France and Géographe west to complete a survey of Kangaroo Island. Casuarina, under Louis Freycinet, is sent to survey South Australia’s two gulfs which the French later name for Bonaparte and Josephine.
Helmsman on Géographe
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—13017
Gèographe and Naturaliste at sea
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—13034R
Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania)—Mewstone, Iles de Witt, Ile Tasman, east coast of Tasman Peninsula
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur and/or Nicolas-Martin Petit
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—18027
Chain of salps—Pegea confoederata
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—75015
Gillblotch leatherjacket—Pervagor janthinosoma
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—76152
Artist Nicolas-Martin Petit
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—76307
John Dory—Zeus faber
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—76443