Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Baudin’s artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Baudin’s artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
The French become the first Europeans to circumnavigate the island and Baudin names it 'Borda' after a French mariner and mathematician. The naturalists capture dwarf emus and kangaroos and keep them in pens on deck. Zoologist Péron records monstrous sharks ’prowling around the ship in search of food, numbing with terror all those who saw them’.
Velvet sea star—Petricia vernicina
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—74049
Rosenberg’s goanna—Varanus rosenbergi
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—78112
Emu—dromaius sp.
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—79001-1
Scarlet robin—Petroica boodang
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—79005
Western grey kangaroo—Macropus fuliginosus
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—80057
Australian sea lion—Neophoca cinerea
Artist Charles-Alexandre Lesueur
Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Le Havre—80676
Draft map—Ile Decrès (Kangaroo Island)
Archives nationales de France—MAP6JJ4A-p.33
Map of two coves on the north-east coast of Kangaroo Island
Archives nationales de France—MAP6JJ4A-p.35
Southern coast and Ile Borda (Kangaroo island)
Archives nationales de France—série Marine 5JJ51-106
Ravine des Casoars, west coast of Kangaroo Island
Archives nationales de France—série Marine 5JJ51 BIS-118