Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Flinders' artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
Use this map to explore the notes and illustrations Flinders' artists & scientists made on their voyage.
Tap any of the locations to see how the explorers documented each landing.
The Investigator anchors briefly in Melville Bay then heads for the English Company Islands. They encounter a fleet of prows from Macassar on a diving expedition for sea cucumbers to sell in Timor. Flinders meets with Chief Pobassoo. After the prows leave, the British crew survey the area. Mr Good plants cocoa nuts and potatoes upon Pobassoo's Island. They depart for the Wessel's Islands. Flinders regretfully defers the remainder of the Australia expedition until a viable ship can be procured.
Bush carrot—Abelmoschus moschatus
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London—Australian Botanical Drawings 11, 6959
The English Company's Islands, Probasso, a Malay chief
Artist William Westall
National Library of Australia—138888247
Hooded parrot—Psephotus Dissimilis
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London—993679902081_016, Plate 14
White rein orchid— Habenaria elongata
Artist Ferdinand L Bauer
Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London—Australian Botanical Drawings 206, 6959
View of Malay Road from Pobassoo's Island
Artists William Westall and J Byrne
Views of Australian Scenery, London: G & W Nicol, 1814
History Trust of South Australia – State History Collection, HT 2014.0601